How do I complete a Custom Task on an Order?

Follow the steps below to mark a Task on an Order as complete.

All users will be able to complete this task.

To locate your Order:

  1. Navigate to the Orders module within the menu on the left side of the screen
  2. Locate the Order to which you wish to add a Task
    How do I find a specific Order?

To add a Task to the Order:

    1. Locate the Order to which you wish to add a Task
    2. Click anywhere on the Order to open up the Order Details on the right side
    3. From the top of the Order Details, select "FULL VIEW"

      Please note that this is only available to edit on the Order from Full View
    4. On the left side of the Order in Full View,

      ...scroll down to the "Tasks" section

               Why can't I see this section?
    5. Here you will see all Tasks associated with this Order
    6. Locate the Task you would like to complete, if multiple have been added
    7. Click "COMPLETE TASK"
    8. A pop-up box will appear where you can complete the completion date and time
    9. Enter the completion date and time of the Task
    10. Click "COMPLETE"