Re-upload Documents

Learn how to re-upload documents to a completed manifest from the Driver Mobile App.


1. Select a completed Stop from the Stop list. Go to the 'Past' tab.


2. Click on the 'Add / view attachments' button.

Click on the 'Add / view attachments' button.

3. Select the 'Add more attachments' button.

Select the 'Add more attachments' button.

4. Choose how you want to upload.

Up to 10 files can be uploaded to a stop.

Choose how you want to upload the new attachment.

5. Once the attachment is added, review the document and select 'Upload attachments' to save.

Once the attachment is added, review the document and select 'Upload attachments' to save.

6. The new attachments will be sent to your dispatcher on the manifest in Rose Rocket TMS.