QuickBooks Error Code 6000-01

If you are receiving this error code while trying to export an Invoice to QuickBooks, continue reading to learn more about how to rectify the error.

Rose Rocket Error Message:

You cannot use an Accounts Payable account for your item type mapping. <br/>
To export this please select a non-Accounts Payable account for your item type mapping. Go to your <a href="/#/ops/connectors/quickbooks" target="_blank">QBO settings</a> to revise the mapping for these line items.

QuickBooks Error Message:

You cannot use an Accounts Payable account for your item type mapping. <br/>
To export this please select a non-Accounts Payable account for your item type mapping. Go to your <a href="/#/ops/connectors/quickbooks" target="_blank">QBO settings</a> to revise the mapping for these line items.

Steps to Resolve:

Unfortunately, we do not currently support using an Accounts Payable account on the detail portion of a Bill. To rectify this, follow the steps below:

  1. From the menu of the left side of your screen, navigate to the