Introduction to Platform

We have compiled a list of resources to help you get started, covering essential concepts and workflows.

Welcome to the Platform! 

If you're new here, we've got you covered with a helpful guide to get you started. The Rose Rocket Platform is a whole new way of thinking about trucking software and will feel different from any TMS systems you may have used in the past.

Table of Contents

Watch our Welcome Video

Basic Concepts of Platform

Get Your Orders into Rose Rocket

Dispatch Orders to Drivers 

Invoicing with Rose Rocket

Welcome Video

If you're a visual learner, check out our 4-minute video that covers the basic concepts

Platform basicsBasic Concepts of Platform 

This guide provides an overview of the key concepts of the Platform, allowing you to start effectively and quickly. You will learn the basics of Modules, Boards, 3-panel Design, and Widgets.

Please check out our guide by clicking on the following link.

Orders-1Get Your Orders into Rose Rocket 

Next, this guide is designed to help small carriers get started with the Orders Module. It covers everything from creating orders to automating them. 

Follow this link to learn how to create orders in Rose Rocket.

DispatchDispatch Orders to Drivers 

This guide is designed to show carriers how to dispatch orders to drivers using the Driver Mobile App. It provides detailed instructions and helpful tips to streamline your delivery process and enhance collaboration with your drivers.

Follow this link to learn how to dispatch orders and use the Driver Mobile App.

InvoicingInvoicing with Rose Rocket

This guide covers the basic functionality of invoicing in Rose Rocket. You can create individual invoices for delivered shipments. The invoice feature automatically generates professional invoices and helps you track your payments.

Follow this link to learn how to create invoices in Rose Rocket.

Next: Basic Concepts of Platform