How do I complete a Custom Task on a Leg?

This article will outline how to mark a Custom Task that has previously been added onto an existing Order.

All users will be able to access these settings/to complete this action.

To locate the Order you would like to dispatch:

  1. From the menu on the left side of the screen, select the Orders module
    Screen Shot 2020-01-26 at 6.38.53 PM

To add a Custom Task:

    1. From the Orders module, locate the Order you would like to update
    2. Click anywhere in the Order to open it up on the right side of the screen
    3. This will expand a preview of the Order Details
    4. From the Order Details preview screen, click "FULL VIEW" in the top right corner
    5. Navigate down to the Tasks section of the Order
    6. Determine which Leg you would like to add a Task to
    7. Click anywhere on the Leg to open it up
    8. Locate the Task you would like to edit
    9. Click anywhere on the Task to open it up
    10. Click the button that says "COMPLETE TASK"
    11. A pop-out box will appear where you may enter the completion information
    12. Enter the date and time at which the Task was completed
    13. When complete, click "COMPLETE"