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Geotab - How do I get a Geotab account?

If you have not yet signed up for Geotab, follow the steps below to do so in order to set up the Rose Rocket and Geotab integration.

In order to sign up for an account, contact Geotab directly.

More information is available on their website about pricing, plans, and how to get started.


When signing up, please ensure that your plan includes:

  • At least one account within your Geotab instance for which you can share the following information with Rose Rocket:
    • The username for an account in your Geotab instance
    • The password for an account in your Geotab instance
    • The database name for an account in your Geotab instance

This account should have the View Only security clearance.

Typically, customers create a new account for the person on our Professional Services team who will be doing the setup.