How to dispatch to carriers

Learn how to dispatch orders to your carriers, and how Orders and Manifests work together.

Table of Contents

Video Overview

Step-by-step Instructions

Video Overview

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Start in an Order. Click on the 'Assign carrier/driver' button.

Start in an Order. Click on 'Assign carrier/driver' button.

2. Search and select your carrier.

Search and select your carrier.

3. Click on the 'Create new manifest' button.

Click on the 'Create new manifest' button.

4. Confirm the rate you're paying your carrier.

These details will be automatically pulled in from the Order quote.

Confirm the rate you're paying your carrier.

5. Review the Carrier charges and select Submit.

Review the Carrier charges and select Submit.

6. Click on the 'Send to carrier' button.

Click on the 'Send to carrier' button.

7. Click on Rate Confirmation

Review the rate and of the shipment before sending to your partner carrier.

Click on Rate Confirmation
(Optional) You also have the option to send a Pickup Request instead of a Rate Confirmation. This is recommended when you want to send your partner details of a shipment before you have an agreed-upon rate.
Click on dialog

8. Click on 'Send email to carrier' button.

Click on Send email to carrier

9. Mark stops as completed using the 'Mark as picked up' button. 

Click on Mark as picked up

10. Choose the completed Arrive and Complete times and save.

Click on Complete

11. After a stop is marked, it will show in Completed status.

Click on CMP…

12. The order will also me marked as 'In-Transit'.

Click on Orders…

13. Mark the delivery stop as completed using the 'Mark as delivered' button. 

Click on Mark as delivered

14. Choose the completed Arrive and Complete times and save.

Click on Complete

17. Once all the stops are completed, the Order will show as 'Delivered' status. You can find signed pickup and delivery documents in the bottom 'Documents' section of the Order. 

Click on Bill of Lading…