Manage fuel surcharges easily from one place with rates from the EIA (US Energy Information Administration), FCA (Freight Carriers Association of Canada) or custom.
See below for our step by step guide on how to set up a Fuel Surcharge and apply it to a tariff:Source: FCA (Freight Carriers Association of Canada)
To create a new fuel surcharge for your tariff from the FCA:
1. Go to Rating > Fuel > Create new fuel
2. To add fuel details: go through the following widgets:
3. To view fuel index prices:
a) In the Fuel Record:
b) On the Fuel Board:
⚠️ Prices are pulled from the FCA on a weekly basis. This is a read only view.
4. To add fuel to a tariff:
⚠️ Currently, the only way to automatically apply a fuel surcharge is by adding it to a tariff/rate.
Source: EIA (US Energy Information Administration)
To create a new fuel surcharge for your tariff from the EIA:
1. Go to Rating > Fuel > Create new fuel
2. To add fuel details: go through the following widgets:
3. To view fuel index prices:
a) In the Fuel Record:
b) On the Fuel Board:
⚠️ Prices are pulled from the FCA on a weekly basis. This is a read only view.
4. To add fuel to a tariff (see above).
Source: Custom
ℹ️ To set up custom % fuel surcharge; follow the steps from the FCA. With custom fuel surcharges, you will be required to enter the price and effective start date.
ℹ️ To set up custom $ fuel surcharge; follow the steps from the EIA. With custom fuel surcharges, you will be required to enter the price and effective start date.
FAQs & Callouts:
⚠️ If you previously had separate Fuel Index and Fuel Table boards they have been combined into a singular ⛽️Fuel board.
I have existing Fuel Index and Fuel Tables, what happens to those now? |
We will be doing a migration of any existing fuel configuration to the singular Fuel board. |
I have different FTL vs. LTL fuel requirements, what can I do? |
We recommend creating two different fuel objects - one for LTL, one for FTL. These can be linked to two separate tariffs. |
I can’t create breakpoints for my % fuel index, why is that? |
Breakpoints are not supported on % fuel indexes. This is because % fuel indexes are ready to be used as fuel surcharge. For $ per gallon indexes, these need to be converted into a chargeable amount - either $ per mile or % of freight. |
I have multiple custom fuel indexes for the same date, which one applies? | The most recently created one will be used as the current price. |
How does a fuel index with a future effective start date work? | You may create future fuel indexes to prepare ahead. Rating will use the current price i.e. the one with the most recent effective start date, that is not in the future. |
I have an existing $ per gallon fuel index, can I switch that to a % of freight? | No. Please delete and create a new one. |
I don’t see the custom fuel index option, why is that? | Custom fuel index is available on Rating-2, make sure you are subscribed to the correct module tier. |
I made a mistake on entering my fuel index price/%, what can I do? | You can click the x button to delete any rows on the fuel index table. For integrated sources, this is not applicable. |