Importing Quotes with DataBot

Import quotes in seconds with DataBot by emailing or uploading quote documents to Rose Rocket. Learn more about automated quote entry below.

What is DataBot?


What is DataBot?

DataBot is a PDF order importer that can scan documents and turn them into quotes in Rose Rocket. DataBot is well-loved for cutting down order and quote entry time into seconds.

With our OCR capabilities, Rose Rocket will accept quote documents from any customer. In addition, the document imported can be a PDF, JPEG, or PDF in app (only PDF if forwarded via email-see below for details). 

Save time using DataBot - you no longer need to type information from emails or messages into our system to create quotes. DataBot will automatically turn emails with attachments or screenshots into quotes, saving time and reducing mistakes.

The details of the quote can be edited once imported. 


How to Email Quote Documents

Email your PDF order documents to your unique DataBot email address to create orders in seconds. Follow the walkthrough to see how to use DataBot:

You can send up to 10 PDFs or 25MB in one email.

How to Upload Quote Documents

Upload your order documents directly into Rose Rocket to create orders in seconds. Follow the walkthrough to see how to use DataBot Uploads:

Files must be uploaded one at a time.


What format do Quotes need to be in?

Quote documents can be in a PDF, PNG or PDF format to be imported in the app.

Quote documents must be in a PDF format if being imported via email. 

How many rate confirmations can I attach in one email?

Attach up to 10 Rate Confirmations or 20MB in a single email.

How do I know if an import fails? 

If an import fails, Rose Rocket will send you an email letting you know which quote could not be imported and the reason for the failure. Failures are caused when trying to import unsupported templates or documents with unreadable text. If an import fails, we recommend entering the quote directly into the system.