Enhance your order duplication with flexible templates that let you control which fields to copy, boosting efficiency and accuracy.
Create replicable quote templates to save time and reduce errors.
Table of Contents
Setting Up Templates
1) Create a Template from an existing quote.
Open any existing quote, click the three-dot menu at the top right, and select "Create template" to copy all values into a new template.
2) From scratch.
Go to the template board and use "Create template" to build a new template.
3) From an existing Template.
Duplicate any template to create a new one with all the filled values copied over.
How to tell the system which fields to copy?
Users decide which fields to copy by filling them in the template. If a field is filled, its value will be copied to the new object.
Basic Fields: Text, numbers, dates are copied directly.
Connected Objects:
- Referenced Objects: Customers, Drivers, Partners, Carriers, Assets, Locations, Tags, People (CSRs, AMs), Accessorials, Subscribers. The system links to the existing object without creating a new one.
- Duplicated Objects: Quotes, Manifests, Tasks. A new instance of the object is created using the pre-filled values from the template.
Callout: Dates
Date fields in the template are copied exactly as they are. They will need to be updated by the user.
Using Templates
To create an quote from a template, go to the template's record view and click "Create quote"
Users must have Quotes Tier-2 purchased to access Quotes Templates