Applying a Carrier Rate to an Order

Optimize your margin by finding the best possible carrier rate for an order.

As a broker, you likely work with many partners to move loads at agreed prices, called partner tariffs in Rose Rocket. These tariffs are used to calculate quotes and manifest costs.

You might currently struggle to find the best partner rates during the quoting process. This makes it difficult to optimize profits and offer the best prices to your customers. Perhaps you are using spreadsheets to compare rates, which is slow and inefficient.

Users of Rose Rocket can now easily browse and select partner costs for a specific lane during the order process. You can rate for the entire order or by leg. This means you no longer need to maintain multiple partner tariff spreadsheets or spend time comparing rates to find the best one, helping you maximize your margin efficiently.

How it Works:

To assign a partner for an order, go to the full-screen order view, and in your widget panel - select assign partner. You may assign a parter for an entire order or per leg.

Per order:

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 10.03.11 AM

Per leg:

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 10.04.33 AM

Once you've selected your partner(s) the below fields will be updated. New manifests will be created per partner.

a. Total cost

b. Partners

To change a partner you've already assigned, click Change Partner


1) Does a partner quote get created after I select the partner? Yes

2) I assigned my legs separately but I ended up using the same partner, what do my manifests look like? Two manifests will be created, one for each leg.

3) I did this workflow:

a. I rated by leg

b. I changed my mind and decided to rate by the entire order

What do my manifests look like?

a. For each leg a manifest would have been created

b. When you changed your mind, the previous manifests was disassociated to the order and all stop and leg information is removed. Your partner quotes still remain. A new manifest is then generated for the entire order

4) I did this workflow:

a. I rated by leg

b. I came back to the widget and re-rated the leg with a new partner and cost

What do my manifests look like?

Your existing manifest will be updated with the new partner and cost. Your partner quote will also be updated. 

5) I did this workflow:

a. I rated by the entire order

b. I changed my mind and decided to rate by leg

What do my manifests look like?

a. For the entire order, a manifest would have been created

b. When you changed your mind, the previous manifest was disassociated to the order and all stop and leg information is removed. Your partner quotes still remain. New manifests are then generated for each leg


Available for paying customers with Rating Tier 1.